Telehealth appointments are available.
When you need answers fast, a virtual telehealth appointment might be the right option for you.
If you are not feeling well and cannot make an appointment to see your primary care doctor in person, or if you do not have a primary care doctor, Progressive Diagnostics offers convenient telehealth sessions through Virtual Walk-in Center. These convenient primary care sessions are covered by most health insurance plans.
Scheduling a telehealth session is simple.
- Schedule your lab test at one of our convenient testing centers.
- Your confirmation email will include a link to schedule a telehealth session with Virtual Walk-in Center. (An order from a healthcare provider is required if you plan on using health insurance to help cover the cost of your diagnostics lab test(s)).
- Complete your telehealth session before arriving for your lab visit.
*Virtual Walk-in Center is a third-party service, provided by HealthDrive Medical Services, and is not affiliated with Progressive Diagnostics.