Services - Progressive Diagnostics

Testing Services

Progressive Diagnostics is a value-based medical management and data analytics clinical laboratory with expertise in Toxicology and Infectious Disease.

Drug Testing

COVID-19 Testing

Data Analytics

Drug Testing

The Progressive Difference 

The use of laboratory urine drug testing is an essential tool that helps providers and individuals ensure patient safety, medication compliance and prevention of drug diversion. Progressive Diagnostics uses a combination of fully automated chemistry analyzers, high complexity triple quadrupole tandem mass spectrometers, Smart Informatics™ technology and teams of scientists and medical professionals to deliver the industry’s highest standard of care, level of accuracy and fastest turn-around times.

COVID-19 Testing

The Progressive Minimally Invasive Tests (MIT) are FDA EAU authorized and designed to be the most comfortable, convenient, fast and accurate tests available. Tests typically take no more than two minutes and PCR quality results can be available same day or within 24 hours.

Data Analytics

The Progressive Difference 

Progressive Health Dynamic’s unique health informatics and artificial intelligence driven diagnostic and therapeutic analytics help guide health care providers in their clinical decisions resulting in lower costs along chronic disease continuums.

Areas of focus and value include:

Predictive analytics
Dynamic medical informatics
Treatment progression algorithms
Care pathway optimization

Progressive Health Dynamics